About Us

MrGadget’s sole mission is to help Australians make more informed purchasing decisions. We spend 100s of hours each and every month identifying, reviewing, comparing, and writing about the best products available to Australian consumers. This research has resulted in MrGadget becoming one of the leading and most trusted tech review sites in Australia.

We operate with complete editorial independence. This means all of our reviews are our genuine thoughts and are in no way influenced by the brand. You can read more about how we earn money here. This allows us complete freedom when creating our reviews and roundups – resulting in better purchasing outcomes for our valuable readers.

MrGadget was founded in 2019 and began primarily as a platform helping to promote interesting crowdfunding projects on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. As the site gained an audience MrGadget began spending more and more time reviewing other types of technology especially home appliances like dehumidifiers, air purifiers, kettles, irons, slow cookers, and many many more!

Recently MrGadget has started to research and review software and cloud solutions. In the near future, MrGadget will expand into utilities and help offer insightful write-ups on the best ISPs, Sim Plans, and more.

We hope you find this website a useful tool in helping you determine the best products for your needs. If you have any questions, queries, or complaints, please contact us at hello@mrgadget.com.au!

Thanks – MrGadget