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How White Noise Machines help Improve Sleep

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We all know that sleep is essential for our health and well-being. Do you have difficulties sleeping? Is it because you’re stressed out, worried about the future, or running late for work? Whatever your cause, there are certain things you may do to improve your sleep. If that’s the case, a white noise machine may be useful.

Did you know, that Aussies are increasingly using white noise machines to help them fall asleep and overcome sleeping difficulties? White noise machines are becoming an increasingly popular sleep aid and for good reason! But do white noise machines actually improve sleep?

In this blog article, we will explore 9 reasons why white noise machines improve sleep. So, if you’re looking for a better night’s sleep, keep reading!

What is a White Noise Machine and How Does It Work?

Before we explore the reasons why white noise machines improve sleep, it’s important to understand what white noise machine is and how white noise machines work.

A white noise machine is a device that emits sound to help mask other background sounds. The goal of using a white noise machine is to reduce distractions and create an ideal environment for sleep.

White noise machines generate consistent white noise that mixes all of the acoustic frequencies. They can be used to overwhelm smaller noises regardless of their frequency by combining them. 

The sound of the machine helps to relax your mind and body, making it easier for you to fall asleep. Click here to check out some of the best white noise machines on the market.

Where to Place a White Noise Machine to Improve Sleep

Now that we understand what a white noise machine is and how it works, let’s explore where to put a white noise machine in your bedroom to improve sleep.

When using a white noise machine for sleep, it’s important to place the machine close to where you will be sleeping.

The sound of the machine should be audible, but not too loud. You want the sound of the machine to be relaxing and calming, not disruptive or annoying.

Statistics on How a White Noise Machine Improves Sleep

Here are some statistics on how a white noise machine can improve sleep:

9 Reasons Why White Noise Machines Help Improve Sleep

White Noise Machines help in the improvement of sleep for a variety of reasons. Here are just 9 reasons we think you must know:

1. White Noise is Literally, All the Audible Frequencies Mixed Together

As we briefly mentioned before, white noise created by a white noise machine is made up of all of the audible frequencies combined. The benefit of this is that it can help to mask other background sounds and create an ideal environment for sleep.

If you live in a city, for example, there will be a lot of background noise from cars, buses, trains, etc. This can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. White noise will help to mask these background noises and create a more calming and relaxing environment for sleep.

2. Rountined Reminders to Sleep

We’ve all been there, dozing off in front of the TV only to be jolted awake by a commercial break or a loud noise outside.

White noise machines help to mask those sudden changes in noise levels by emitting a consistent sound that your brain can get used to and pay less attention to. Over time, the sound of the white noise machine becomes like a routine reminder to your brain that it’s time to sleep.

3. Consistently Low Noise Levels in a Room

As we mentioned before, white noise machines emit a consistent sound that helps to mask other background noises.

But not only does it do a good job of masking other noises, but it also helps to keep the overall noise level in our room low. This is important because if the overall noise level in our room is too high, it can be difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

4. Sleep Routine to Tackle Insomnia

If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, a white noise machine can help to create a sleep routine.

For example, if you always listen to the white noise machine when you go to bed, your brain will start to associate the sound of the machine with sleep. This can help to tackle insomnia and improve sleep quality.

5. Reducing the Number of Nighttime Wakings

If you find that you often wake up during the night, a white noise machine can help to reduce the number of nighttime wakings.

For example, if there’s a loud noise outside, the sound of the white noise machine can help to mask those noises and prevent us from waking up.

6. Assist in Staying Asleep

If you do wake up during the night, the sound of the white noise machine can help to lull you back to sleep.

The consistent sound of the machine can help to create a calming and relaxing environment that makes it easier to fall back asleep.

7. Brain Relaxation Training

The sound of a white noise machine can help to train our brain to relax.

Over time, the sound of the white noise machine can help to create a Pavlovian response in our brain where we start to associate the sound of the machine with relaxation and sleep.

8. Helps Babies Fall Asleep

If you have a baby, you know how difficult it can be to get them to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Babies are easily startled by sudden noises. However, the sound of a white noise machine can help to soothe and calm babies, which makes it easier for them to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Keep in mind that, for safety concerns, the machine should be at least 7 feet away from the baby.

9. Great for Travelling

If you’re someone who travels often, you know how difficult it can be to sleep in a new place.

The sound of a white noise machine can help to mask the unfamiliar sounds of a new environment and create a more calming and relaxing environment for sleep.


A white noise machine may be just what you need to help you get a decent night’s sleep if you’re having trouble sleeping. As we’ve said, there are several reasons why a white noise machine can help you sleep better.

Now that you know about them, you will be able to make better judgments. We hope that this article was beneficial to you. Thank you for reading!


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