
A Gift of Sweet Dreams: A Mum’s Experience with My Little Morphee

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Recently, I decided to gift My Little Morphee, a sleep aid device, to a friend’s three-year-old daughter. My friend had been struggling with establishing a consistent sleep routine for her daughter, and I thought this device might be the perfect solution. Despite the little girl being at the lower end of the suggested age range, my friend reported back with some insightful feedback. This review is a combination of my own experiences with the device in combination with my Mum-friend relaying back her experiences with it.

Design and Aesthetics

Upon unboxing My Little Morphee, I was immediately taken with its child-friendly design. The device’s compact size made it easy for her daughter to handle, and the friendly teal green colour help create a calming atmosphere. The device’s design was not only appealing to the child but also to my friend, who appreciated its sleek and modern aesthetic. It doesn’t look out of place in a modern living room or an


One of the standout features of My Little Morphee, according to my friend, is its extensive library of stories and sounds. Her daughter was captivated by the variety and often asked for a different story each night. The stories were engaging, and the sounds were soothing, creating a peaceful environment conducive to sleep. While some of the content seemed a bit advanced for her age, the soothing sounds often lulled her to sleep within minutes, demonstrating the device’s effectiveness.

You are able to tweak each story by choosing the animal with the left dial which is associated with a theme (for example the Giraffe is about generosity) and adjusting the setting or scene (island, castle, mountains etc.) with the right dial. This creates a lot of variation to help keep the kids engaged long-term.

Music and Soundscapes

In addition to the stories, there is the option to choose from 8 different pieces of music or soundscapes. These are incredibly relaxing and soothing and will do a good job of fitting the theme of each setting. For example, the Castle setting’s music is in the style of relaxing medieval bard music.


The portability of My Little Morphee was another feature that my friend appreciated. The device’s compact size and lightweight design made it easy to carry along, whether they were at home or travelling. This portability allowed them to maintain a consistent bedtime routine for her daughter, regardless of their location, which was a significant advantage.

User Interface

However, my friend did notice a few areas for improvement. The lack of a screen made navigating through the various options a bit challenging. While the device is designed to be simple for children to use, the absence of a visual interface made it difficult for her three-year-old to navigate on her own. This was a minor inconvenience, but it did make the initial setup and learning process a bit more time-consuming than expected.

However, after using it for just a couple of weeks, her three-year-old has become more than used to the controls and seems to love the dial interface.

I have to say the absence of a screen makes a lot of sense in the context of this product which is designed as a sleep aid. As we all know using a screen late at night is a sure way to delay your sleep.

Price Point

Another point of contention was the device’s price. While I had gifted My Little Morphee to her, its high price point might be a deterrent for some parents considering purchasing it. She. The device offered a lot of value but the cost might be a bit steep for some families, especially in the current financial climate.


In conclusion, My Little Morphee has been a valuable addition to their bedtime routine. Despite a few minor drawbacks and her daughter being at the lower end of the suggested age range, the device’s engaging content, soothing light, and portability have made bedtime a more enjoyable experience for both of them.

Based on my friend’s feedback, I would recommend My Little Morphee to other parents, keeping in mind the minor issues she mentioned. It’s a thoughtful and effective tool that can make a significant difference in a child’s bedtime routine.


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